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The All-Weather Bike


I like biking. Lately, we've had a lot of rain. I could go with the typical rain gear, but frankly, it's a bit awkward.

So I decided to look around for some alternatives.

There's this strange-looking option for recumbent bikers.

Moving up - just a little bit - is this bike taxi from Cuba.

There are those who try to put a form of plastic cover over the average bike.

And then we get into the more professional, manufactured options...

That last one will run you over $30,000. Granted, it's a two-seater with an electric motor that will run up to 50 mph, but no bike is worth that much money. I can buy a hybrid car for that much.

Seems to me that some enterprising individual can arrive at a better solution. If I had the money, I'd get started prototyping.


by Brett Rogers, 5/31/2008 8:31:33 AM


the electric bicycle forum

check it!



Posted by ebikehub (, 6/3/2008 6:42:04 PM

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